There was a great turnout this year for the annual Foxton Fling, with an estimated crowd in excess of 5000 people. Car parks were exotic and almost extinct, and finding one was like digging for gold.
Bruce Falloon had a nosey around and shared his experiences.
The MC for the event was Steve Poulton, who said, “With the Clint Taylor Trio from Foxton and Brendon Mercer from Levin, and with Brian Bailey from Marton closing the show, we had a great line-up of entertainment.”
An interesting stall was that of the NZ Army’s Linton-based unit which, apart from some regular equipment, featured one of their unit’s mascots, which is a taniwha.
Erin Smith from 21 supply company in Linton said, “We’re part of an element from [the] second combat supply unit and located out in Linton, and we look after catering, logistics and ammunition technicians for Linton and the Manawatū region.”