They agreed to keep the start date but the union is responsible for making sure the grounds are safe to play on.
He said the organisation has considered holding more than one game on a ground to keep the season going.
Water restrictions are in place in Masterton and South Wairarapa until the end of the month, and an alternate-day sprinkling ban is in place.
Masterton District Council chief executive officer Wes ten Hove said the summer water restrictions have been in place for many years and the community has once again complied with them extremely well.
The council also must abide by the restrictions when using both the town supply and resource consented takes from the rivers to irrigate the town's garden beds and sports fields. A water truck also irrigates juvenile street trees once a week.
"It complies fully with the summer water restrictions, watering on alternate days or less frequently, often just on Mondays and Fridays. The fountain in Queen Elizabeth Park recirculates water and therefore is still running every day at present," said Mr ten Hove.
"As the dry weather continues, we are currently considering postponing the renovation programme for our sports fields until such a time when we have a more regular supply of water."
South Wairarapa District Council utilities manager Jean-Paul Irwin said restrictions meant commercial operators - mainly vineyards - were not allowed to irrigate during the day and households could use hoses on alternate days.
Carterton District Council corporate services manage Marty Sebire said water usage was metered, which has successfully pulled back demand. "We haven't had any water restrictions in the last two years."