Sow little and often for a longer harvest:
Now that warm weather is here, and we are all throwing seeds here and there, it's worth remembering how good it is to be able to enjoy a continued harvest for as long as possible.
This means not sowing or planting an entire crop at once as this can result in a glut of produce and then, just as quickly, a finished crop.
First plan your beds and containers (it helps to do this on a piece of paper). Decide what crops will go where and how much space you'll give them.
Then sow or plant a row or a half row every few weeks until you have filled the allocated spaces over a period of time. This will produce a staggered harvest.
From now on if you sow or plant fast growers such as salad greens - rocket, lettuce, mesclun mix -as well as the likes of beetroot, beans, coriander, carrots, chervil, parsley and peas - iyou should be enjoying delicious, easy vegetables and herbs right through to autumn.