"I had a situation where an employee had taken a video of a sick cow and posted it on YouTube. They thought it was funny and we're trying to humour their mates, but what was actually a cow under medication and close care came across as mistreatment."
"I found out because people who saw the video recognised my farm and got in touch. I was able to shut it down pretty quickly, but it's the sort of thing that could have gone viral and created big problems," Mr Lewis says.
Luckily, he was able to fall back on his Federated Farmers employment contract - the new version now updated late last year to address the risks of social media.
"Having a social media section in this employee's contract meant I had something to fall back on and made things very black and white when it came to having the conversation and getting them to take the video down."
"I've been using Feds contracts for 18 years and was thankful I'd upgraded to the new employment contract. It was a small spend but it certainly paid off."
"It could have been bad for my business and the industry sure as heck doesn't need another bobby calve type issue." said Mr Lewis.
Federated Farmers has contracts covering permanent, fixed-term and casual employees.
As well as social media they include all necessary aspects for hiring staff, including wages, holiday and leave, and end of employment.
The contracts are developed for farmers by industry experts and protect both employer and employee under employment law.
Like all Feds products, the employment contracts are heavily discounted for members (just $80.50) and come with 15 minutes of free legal advice to either help you when signing the contract or when an issue arises.
Farmers can order by calling Federated Farmers on 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646) or visiting the online shop at www.fedfarm.org.nz.