A man who agreed to be the sober driver during a mates' night out in Queenstown says he was stung with a $200 fine for "freedom parking" when he pulled over to rest on the long journey home.
Brayden Hardy, 20, was driving the 167km back to his home in Gore after a night out in Queenstown when he felt too tired to to continue driving. So he followed the road safety advertisements and pulled over to have a rest.
He'd been out late with friends but decided to be the sober driver. Still, the long hours had taken their toll and he felt he needed a bit of sleep before the two-and-a-half-hour journey back home to Gore.
Hardy set his alarm for 8am so he could then continue driving home and says he woke up to a fine on his windscreen. He says no one ever knocked on his car window to alert him.
Speaking to the Herald after hearing of other similar incidents, his mother Rachel Hardy says she is worried about the type of message authorities are sending to responsible drivers with these fines.