The debate is closed for now . Here are more views:
Kiwi Teetee
After being physically abused around the head by my father for making a bad cup coffee and my mother defending it, by saying that smacking is good for you, I am totally against violence. This legislation should at least make parents think twice about raising their hands to their children.
Elaine Dyer
Please be willing to look at this issue through the eyes of a child... they deserve parents who have non-violent strategies of disciplining them... and role modelling respectful relationships.
Linda Gillies
I am a NZer currently living in Australia thinking of moving back but find it alarming that Mother Government thinks she can force this bill against strong public opinion. Very scary, might just stay where I am!
I believed Helen Clark has been the best Prime Minister in my lifetime only to find she is now killing democracy. Makes the Fiji coup look like a walk in the park. Labour is dead for me.
Karl Gorringe
Why is it when an adult hits another adult, it is a crime and we call it assault, yet when the same adult hits a child, it is ok and we call it discipline? Sue Bradfords bill will address this appalling hypocrisy and make sure that parents who assault their children will feel the weight of the law.
Gary P
Labour are like babys nappies, they need changing for the same reason.
Iain Williams
If these smug, hand wringing, know it alls you cant honestly see the difference between a loving smack on the botty of an errant child by a loving parent and the actions surrounding the likes of Lillybing or the
Kahuis it is they who have the real problem.
Parliamentary Representatives should remember they are there to represent, not to impose their own personal ethics or preferences.
Bob Williams
If you can't beat em, why have children?
Brian Marsh
This is not an anti-smacking bill. It is a continuation of feminist led attacks on traditional family values, a characteristic of the administration, which is full of anti-family homosexual.
Please protect New Zealand and vote National - enough of this left wing PC stupidity.
Shame on you people: is it any wonder we have such horrific child abuse stats when this many people want to hit their children?
Rachel L
This has ceased to be about smacking. This is our freedom we are fighting for. New Zealand is supposed to be a democracy, last time I checked.
My ex-husband used to tell people he only gave me a few harmless slaps. Is that the same little smacks those against the bill want to give their children. Well done ,Sue Bradford.
Now knowing the Power of Police to harrass women, I would say dont again give a chance to them by this power to arrest mums and dads and wait for 10 to 20 years to hear what they are capable of doing.
It is not the role of the government to parent our children. This bill will not stop the abusive parents I have witnessed in low socio-economic Groups over the years. What about health care Labour?
This is PC gone mad!
To ban it is ridiculous. Children will do whatever they want as there are no consequences, threatening their parents etc.
Steffie Yin
It is very unfair to pass this bill when this matter is not brought up for the public to decide if it should be law or not.
Smacking is the last - or more often, first - resort of the impatient.
I hope those Labour MPs who are uncomfortable with the smacking bill, have a greater backbone and conscience than the need to be a party follower to protect their salary.
Why is this govt going against the wishes of most NZers as we all know this bill will not stop one case of child bashing or child murder? Has it something to do with her needing the support of the Greens to be able to stay in power?
Greens/Labour idiots intend to remove more essential life-skills boundaries - why do you think NZ has serious gambling problems, teenage binge drinking problems, boy racer problems etc, etc - people won't even stop at red traffic lights anymore.
My parents used to smack me but to a limit just to make me be aware of my mistakes and not to death.
Leanne Eagar
The question remains - freedom of speech is ok, prostition seems ok, giving kids the right to drive at 15 is ok, selling party pills at dairies is ok, no real incentive to pass school is ok. What exactly is the world coming to? Total destruction of our children.
Rik Manaia
Give longer sentences to parents who beat and kill their children, leave responsible parents to raise their kids the way they see fit including smacking them if the situation calls for it.
Simeon Brown
I thought the green party was there for the environment but all they have ever done is push their social agenda, sounds more like the communist party to me.
Edward Lyons
Parents set boundaries for their children so that we dont have a country full of delinquents. Dont let the State take away parents rights to bring up their children unless you want to be there with them at 3am.
Martin Ryan
If the problem that Helen Clark et al have is the riding crop and other such implements being used in disciplining children, would not it make much more sense to criminalise using an object? And perhaps add in a closed fist while they were at, but leave an open palm as acceptable. Surely this would be a win-win result?
It amazes me that you think you can raise the vast majority of NZ parents children better then they can! Tell me when corporal punishment was made illegal, ask the teachers how much harder their job is now?
Richard Trotter
Just outlaw the Green Party and their limp wristed social engineering know it all sack of fascistic fellow travellers.
Make this law applicable to Maori parents only. They are the ones who beat their kids. I bet you wont publish this, you PC newspaper!
Frank Pryor
Helen Clark should go to the polls early and test the resolve of the public on this issue.
I listen to the experts on global warming who have spent years researching the topic.Why dont you listen to the experts in this field? Almost all of the organisations working with families and children and assisting with parenting difficulties support the repeal of Section 59.
The passing of this bill, will not stop child abuse, but it will potentially make good parents criminals.
Smacking of our children has always been a criminal offence. I have never seen such blatant misinformation portrayed on such a large scale. This legislation is not about smacking children- its about taking away the legal defence our child abusers use to get away with severely bashing our kids.
Andrew Peterson
Why change the law when a person who hits a child with unrealisable force is already outside the law?
Des Howard
Surely if we are worried that too many are escaping under s.59, then redefine '"reasonableness".
If New Zealand is still a democracy, then this Labour government is guilty of treason. They are betraying us and the freedom our forefathers fought for, and gave their lives to defend.
Iain Thorpe
Even if you believe children should never be smacked the bill is so poorly worded it is unlikely to achieve that objective - there is no reason for anyone to support this bill.
Lynn Thom
My children, who benefited from positive, loving chastisement when they were younger, go to a school who's motto is servant leadership, I think our politicians have a lot to learn from that concept, they are elected to serve the people, not to laud their power over them despite the peoples feelings.
Tighten the law but allow the National party amendment.
This brings me one step closer to leaving this country for good, and bring up my children where the government doesnt tell me how to raise my kids.
If governments feel compelled to legislate for family behaviour it shows that the members of that government have failed to protect families from the influences of malice and the lack of goodwill within the wider community.
Ted Smith
I have surveyed every adult in our extended family (there are 16 of us) and all are over 25 and all agree the Anti Smacking Bill will do nothing to stop the abuse which goes on and it will merely have the Police leaving crime to carry on their limited resources.
Tom Vavasou
I am stunned to be quite honest, that people would campaign so strongly for the right to hit children. If I hit my kids I would be embarrassed about it and keep my head down in case someone noticed that I did. I wonder what percentage of the prison population were not hit as kids? I would love to know the answer to that one.
Paul Jones
When the majority of New Zealanders are against the introduction of this Bill, Labour continues to press ahead. At least is may be the end of Nanny states reign at the next election.( Unless they come up with more bribes like last time).
Si Hutton
Why are we leting this government tell us how to run our lives? Arent we supposed to live in a democracy? Labour and the Greens must go!
The bill won't stop child abuse any more than speed limits stop irresponsible teenagers from killing themselves at a frightening rate in speeding cars. We could conclude that cars should be banned because of all the problems they cause?
Why would you guys wanna hit your kids? I am from Europe and until now I felt New Zealanders where kind, caring and civilised people, but these pro-smacking protesters just make the country look really bad to the rest to the world.
Robert Lynn
All governments tend to incrementally introduce laws that turn everyone into "criminals", this gives them greater power and fosters corruption as they then choose who to intimidate/prosecute and who to ignore, so be good little sheep and obey your masters or you will be destroyed by stupid laws like this one at their whim.
Stop making criminals of parents who choose to bring up their child (children)in a loving and disiplined manner Focus instead on the real issue of violence towards children.
New Zealand does not want this law. Parliament must heed the voice of the people. The interfering with families by this Government has gone too far.
I think that the anti smacking bill is silly, what about verbal abuse towards children that is more damaging than smacking!! Emotional abuse too.
The Anti Smacking Bill has nothing to do with anti smacking. Everyone read:: The UN Rights of the Child Part 1 Article 2:2.This Declaration was signed by the NZ Govt 14 yrs ago.
Denise Palmer
Members of the Labour Party have forgotten perhaps that they are the Public Servants not us the people, they are employed by us. There is more than one way to smack, next year we will smack them with a no vote.
Smacking kids has been banned in Sweden since the 70-s, and there are as many kids beaten to death in Sweden since then, as there are in New Zealand every 5 years...
This bill is going to achieve the very objective it is hoping for - to undermine society and parents and create more candidates for the welfare state, really clever!It has to be opposed, democracy as we know it is at stake.
Jennifer Wiseman
Let us join the civilised world and abandon barbaric ways of treating children - we can not hit other adults - why should we be able to hit children? Who in their right minds would want to hit a child?
Malcolm Ford
Why is infant negligence and physical abuse of children being confused with the rights of parents to discipline their children according to their inalienable responsibilities?
Tet Yoon Lee
Just do it!
This bill poses a democratic dilemma. It's clear that most NZers dont want this law. The only response to this bill must be: No.
Look forward NZ to more social misfits gracing our streets.MPs, you will pay for for ignoring us at the polling booths.
I have always voted Labour/Greens but after the way that the nanny state has tried to ram this anti smacking bill down our throats I will not be voting for either party again.
Pass this bill and you will not be voted in again. Just think if you get a conviction for smacking your kids. How many countries do you think you will be allowed to enter with a criminal conviction. Do you know? I dont.
LeslieThe argument is starting to get rather irritating. Why should any adult be entitled to bash a little?
MPs: Vote no, as the bill will make "time-out" strategies equal to kidnapping (and the courts won't see kidnapping as trivial), and will only affect good parents, not those who want to break the law anyway.
If this bill is passed who is going to police it, as it is there is not enough police to stop the crime and burglary, why not make NZ a safe place for everyone before this stupid law is passed.
This is more about stopping Nanny statism gaining control of people than anti-smacking per-ce, Thank goodness the people have spoken.
Stuart Laurenson
Protect our children and pass the bill.
Natalie Garcia
If this was really a conscience vote there would be no issue the bill would never have gotten as far as it has.
I take my "unreasonable" 3 year old for what he is, a baby, who needs my nurturing and protection, and, yes, my (non-physical) discipline. I figure I will have my payback, when my dementia allows me to be equally difficult to handle down the track.......
Jordyn Harrison
I think that smacking shuld no longer be allowed,as it can also lead to child abuse. I think that it does not teach kids what is allowed and what is not it just teaches them that if you hit they will stop..
80 per cent of public say no - but prime minister say yes, beginning to sound like Robert Mugabe!
This bill is ridiculous - why are we allowing the government to tell us how to raise our children? Find your common sense people and stop looking at scapegoats for your own mistakes!
Robert Glennie
Helen Clark and Michael Cullen think that they know better than the electorate. To adopt an American slogan "vote out incumbents in 2008".
Paul Davey
Helen Clark does not have children and has never wanted to have them. What right does she have to tell good kiwi parents how to raise their own kids?
I think Helens name should be changed to Hitler.
People who are responsible enough to be bringing up a child should already be wise enough to know the difference between simple and acceptable discipline and child bashing! Those who dont know that difference should be punished under what laws already exist.
There is no need to hit a child! Support the bill.
Mark Hodge
I dont think I will be voting Labour again either - they seem to have lost their integrity.
If this bill goes through, the last option parents have for discipline will be to verbally abuse children which will last a lifetime & cost thousands of dollars in psychiatric treatment as opposed to a short sharp smack to the buttocks that will last half an hour, These dictators must be ejected from power.
Smacking kids should not be banned as it is a quick and effective way to get children to listen and do what is right. hat we need is education on when enough is enough. I was smacked when I was young and I have grown up to respect others and have good manners.
It is sad to see a government preventing good parents from being good parents, by forcing them into their way of doing things. What will happen to our freedom next?
Michael Gibbs
Controlled smacking is fine, I would be in jail by now had my parents not exercised some physical deterrents. This wont stop child abuse, they dont respect the law in the first place!
Peter Macadam
Your actions re this bill will come back to haunt you within the next 10-15 years. You are creating a generation of people who will have no boundaries.
We vote for you to represent us, our ideas, our opinions, how can you ignore them now!
N Smith
In theory this bill sounds good but in reality the people that the bill is written for will not give a toss and it will only undermine the loving parents that care for their children and want them to grow up being responsible law abiding citizens.
Nigel Coleman
While I like the economic policies of Labour, I will definitely not vote Labour in the next election if this bill is passed. It is misguided attempt at social engineering that will turn into an unworkable mess.
Steve Bevan
If I was to smack a child, for whatever reason, it only shows that I have lost control of my emotions and parental duties.
Clive McKegg
Helens attitude to NZ public is "this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you but you will understand one day that Mummy knows best".
We need to change our attitudes first before people's behaviour in this country will change. Changing the law will change attitudes about the acceptability of hitting children. After all, we dont now think smoking in public places is ok ,do we .......but we used to.
There is a huge difference between beating, thrashing and child abuse and smacking a child for discipline or protection reasons. Maybe Parliament should be looking at these issues rather than making ordinary NZ parent's criminals in the eyes of the law if they smack their child?
Yasmin Karina Adam
I maybe 23 years old but I can tell you that I am not ashamed to tell anyone that I have parents who smacked me our of love and for my own sake just to make me be who I am today otherwise I would have turned out for the worst in society.
Amisha Jain
MPs should let parents do their job. What does Ms Clark know about raising children anyway?
C Goodwin
The Bill has very little to do with MPs consciences, but a lot to do with Labour trying to keep the Greens support. Public opinion is against political pandering leading to pointless law.
John McCall
The parent who uses weapons or fists knows that it is excessive and does not care a fig about Section 59. These people will continue to abuse their children no matter what law is in place. If Bradfords bill is passed into law children will use it against their parents.
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