The Retro Club will throw a spotlight on Kapiti-based musician Andrew London during an encore evening at King Street Live in Masterton tomorrow night.
Retro Club founder 'Dr Rob' Maunsell said the evening of performance will run for more than four hours from 7.30pm and will feature The Grafia Trio, a solo performance from London before he is joined onstage by a range of guest instrumentalists, The Grafia Jam Band, and Stefan Brown and The Backing Band.
Musicians who will strut their stuff throughout the night include Maunsell, Stephan Schultz, Keith Austin, Kemp Turirirangi, John Jukes, Andy Eldred, Pat Mckenna, Vic Singe and "assorted friends".
Jason Ireland will return as soundman for the repeat performance and AJ Hunter would again provide "another enthralling video display to augment the already amazing lighting set-up used to enhance the musical performances on offer", Maunsell said.
The encore Wairarapa show "will build on the strong showing" at the inaugural outing of The Retro Club in Masterton earlier this month, Maunsell said, which had come on the heels of three similarly successful performances at The Old Mill in Napier.