A district councillor has accused Tararua District Council staff of incompetence after two taps running off the same pipe in Woodville were given vastly different status.
Next to the camping ground in Woodville, the two taps have been signposted as potable (safe to drink) and non-potable, despite having the same water source.
District councillor Ernie Christison is worried about the confusing signal this sends visitors.
Mr Christison said he was worried for the health of the travelling public.
"If we put up stupid signs like this, where is my responsibility as a councillor for the safety of our community and visitors to the district?"
Mr Christison was querying the safe drinking-water standards under health regulations.
"This is embarrassing."
However, Tararua District Mayor Tracey Collis has clarified the reason for the different signs.
"The tap marked non-potable water is above, or close to, the dump station used by motor homes and there's the possibility people could contaminate the tap with their hoses," she said.