Matt read the Sideswipe about the real estate agent who removed power lines from the photo in an ad and says, "You ain't seen nothing yet!" He attaches this photo, which clearly show the picture of the property on the For Sale sign is a lot different from the actual property. It looks as if Photoshop has pulled out a few trees, built a carpark and added a car. Trouble is, the frontage of the property would be lucky to fit a Smart Car."
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Ingrid of Rotorua bought Sunsense sunscreen in a handy 50ml roll-on - then saw the instructions said to apply at least 30ml per adult application. "It says to reapply every two hours, which means the whole bottle would only be good for 4 hours of sun exposure and at a retail price of $14, it all seems a rather expensive way to keep sunburn away."
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