"How tropical does Lake Rotorua look in this advert?" asks one local. "Some slight air-brushing, I'm thinking."
Get in behind
Joan writes: "On my way home from work, my car broke down, so I rang my brother, who came to tow me home. After the tow rope broke for the second time, my brother stopped the car and tersely explained that when we went round corners I was not to touch the brake. All went well until we turned into the road where we lived and I was getting very close to the back of my brother's car. Not wanting to upset him by braking, I steered round the outside of him and as I came sailing alongside him, he shouted, 'Get in behind!' We both realised how funny it was and laughed our heads off."
Superhero to the rescue
Anthony Smith has hearing loss but did not want to wear hearing aids because super heroes don't wear them. His grandmother contacted Marvel comics and asked if any superheroes had hearing problems. They responded that Hawkeye, one of the Avengers, once wore a hearing aid. Marvel then created a superhero named Blue Ear and sent artwork showing him detecting trouble with his super-powered hearing aid. Anthony, from New Hampshire in the US, now wears his own "blue ear". (Source: Mentalfloss)