Spoiled for choice: The council recently contracted Treescape to plant new trees on grass verges in Mission Bay, says a reader. "One can only assume that the tree outside our place was meant to go on the grass verge on the other side of the driveway - the one that had no tree - rather than where there already was a tree."
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Georgia Ramdin, from Freeman's Bay Primary School, entered the Westpac Team McCaw competition to win a visit to a school by Richie McCaw. Children were asked why their nominee deserved a special visit, and Georgia wrote: "You should pick Joshua. Even if the team is loosing (sic), Josh always passes the ball to the other players even if they are not very good so they can have a turn. His grandpa played soccer for Trinidad and my dad is good, too, but Josh is going to be better. I think you should come to our school because my Poppa played at Eden Park once and we live over the road. My popps says soccer is for girls - but if you come to see Josh, he would have to take it back. Thank you. Georgia." Joshua was a finalist. The winner was Caitlin Hills from Whangaroa College in Kaeo.
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Four orphaned hedgehogs whose mother was crushed by a council truck have a toilet-brush mum. The hand-reared creatures at the New Forest Otter, Owl and Wildlife Park in Ashurst, Britain, get comfort from rubbing against the brush because it reminds them of mum. Manager John Crooks, 41, said: "Because they have very poor eyesight you have to appeal to their sense of smell and touch by giving them different scents and textures."
Today's Video Webpick:Look out Beyonce! Celebrity caught in the crossfire, but tragedy narrowly avoided thanks to a well timed passerby. Watch the news report here. Scroll down. These are the very best online videos from Ana's online magazine Spare Room.