Draw a circle around the one God loves the most?
from an old Irish Catholic school text book.
Gif goodness:
Nice job title - when you've got a penguin problem, you don't need a scientist with a fancy job description, you just need the Penguinologist.
Draw a circle around the one God loves the most?
from an old Irish Catholic school text book.
Gif goodness:
Very short clips capturing a moment 1)
2) Forget the apes,
we should be looking out for 3)
Picture this:
A collection of good-looking young men from the olden days (no, that's not those born in the 1960s, kids)
may have a convoluted name (daguerreotype was an early photographic process) but it is less crass than its similar predecessor -
. But the idea is to curate a collection of black-and-white public domain photographs of spunks from as far back as photography itself.
, the Swiss psychiatrist who developed the famous inkblot test, resembles Brad Pitt.
Kick of your Sunday shoes:
The just-released trailer for the upcoming remake of classic 80s movie,
The Alasdair Thompson memorial video link:
A tell-it-like-it-is
churns out a handy paragraph of art-themed nonsensical prose at the click of a button. "Do you hate having to write your artist statement? Generate your own here for free, and if you don't like it, generate another one. For use with funding applications, exhibitions, curriculum vitae, websites."
Classic clips:
The "New Zealand is Yours" series of ads from the 70s encourages New Zealanders to get out and about in our own country - for drivers to take
rather than the car, and the retired folk to take a
. But the best one promotes New Zealand's awesome 1970s nightlife...
Inflation rose to 3%, the highest since June last year, affecting living costs.