Classic link: Where Babies Come From In Germany... remind yourself how the whole procreation and birth process works, with this children's sex education book. (NSFW, obviously)
Maps: This map shows how many heavy metal bands per 1,000,000 there are worldwide. As you'd expect - big in Scandinavian countries and not so through Africa and Asia. Maybe democratic countries tolerate the freedom of expression more?
Bad branding: Belvedere Vodka showed how keeping an eye on your social media department is a good idea. This ad makes a joke about forcing women to give a man oral sex. A cynic could argue the controversy has certainly generated publicity for the brand; and all it cost was a half-arsed public apology ('we advocate responsible drinking'), an anonymous head rolling and a donation to a rape crisis charity. Read about it here.
Power dressing: Guide to dressing for success in the 80s.
Web trends: The latest fad to hit the internet is inspired by Mad Men's suave protagonist Don Draper and fittingly it's called Draping...and folk all over the world are sharing their pictures. (The new season of Mad Men starts here in April)