Winners and losers and Winston. Snipped from a Dubai newspaper.
Driveway attracts all kinds of rubbish ... and campers
A reader writes: "Reading the story about dumpers reminded me of the many times we've had stuff dumped in our driveway. We have a very long driveway in a semi-rural setting. We have found car parts, with bumper included, dumped in the middle of our driveway. Once a litter of puppies was dumped by the letterbox. We've had rubbish bags full of polystyrene and once a very angry large bird. But the most interesting was when my husband saw a lady rising from her sleep, on the side of our driveway, after spending the night there wrapped in rubbish sacks!"
How to stop wheelie bin freeloaders
A reader writes: "I live in West Auckland and pay for a wheelie bin for my weekly general garbage collection. I have been pushing out my wheelie bin in the evenings prior to collection day. In recent months, some neighbour has been taking a free ride by stashing their bags of rubbish in our bin without having enough courtesy to ask first. I actually saw someone cross the road with two bags of rubbish and offload them in my wheelie bin, causing the bin's lid to stay lifted throughout the night. Next morning, I removed their rubbish and left it across their side of the road, thinking they would get the hint. No, it happened again twice more, and now I only take my wheelie bin out in the morning. Last week, my bin was rather full and I thought it was obvious that it was full, so I wheeled it out in the evening. Next morning, a foreign bag of rubbish was spotted again! When do people ever learn to take a hint? What should I do?"
Sorry, no special exceptions for superior beings
The reader who is able to text and drive because of his/her "high alertness and superior hand-to-eye co-ordination" has failed to learn a very basic life lesson, says John Walsh. "Laws cannot be designed to allow exceptions, so unfortunately some of us are penalised for the actions of others. If your reader from yesterday can suggest a way of circumventing this, I'd be happy to hear it. If I am pulled over for texting while driving, how do I demonstrate MY superior hand-to-eye co-ordination to the police officer?"