Now that's Eau de Toilette: Great ads from toilet cleaner maker Ambi Pur, satirising high-end fashion shoots.
Meme: Stocking is the new planking, apparently. Take one cheesy stock photo (you know, the generic photos used by print media that look contrived and insincere) and imitate it. Here's the confused by technology shot. Go here for more.
Quick clip: World's Shortest Train.
Science: Some clever people have invented a machine that keeps a transplant-ready heart beating while it's on the road... My goodness; at 1.10 in there is an amazing sight - a heart beating in a chilly bin. Wow.
New products: Thanks to reality TV show Supernanny we all know about "time out" for naughty children. When a child has a tantrum you can now discipline them by putting them on the bar-free imprisonment system called the Time Out Pad, which works on a timer and sounds an alarm if they wander off before their time's up.