At first glance this looks like your typical police tussle, but further photos show the offender is a flat wheelchair tyre and the officers are changing it by using their batons to lever the tyre back on.
Cellphone vigilance in the city
Matt writes: "Saw a young guy in a car talking on his phone coming down Pitt St. Someone on a motorbike started tooting his horn and gesticulating at the driver. Motorbike stops in front of car and rider goes up to driver's window yelling. Driver hangs up phone and looks scared. Rider hops on bike and leaves. I'm wondering if it's the beginning of a 'bad driving' vigilante movement! I have always thought there was a lack of police numbers in the city enforcing red-light running, cellphone use and general bad drivers." Is it vigilantes or just a one-off road rage incident?

Nicola found this in her letterbox from the Conservative candidate for Pakuranga. "Bit of an awkward choice of words given the spying allegations surfacing at the moment ... not to mention the typo!"
Power price-gouging
A reader from Westmere writes: "My latest energy bill is for $97.81. The bill says if I pay it on time, they will knock $21.52 off. I can think of no other bill that drops by almost a quarter if I pay it on the due date. If they can afford to give me a 22 per cent discount without going out of business, they are plainly price-gouging. Why not drop the energy price by 22 per cent and charge late penalties?"