Everybody's doing it ... In Whangarei, someone has created a Wellywood-type sign on one of the hills as you enter Onerahi. "It makes a change from just a barren hillside of gorse," says our reader.
Tell-tale phone number
A 47-year-old called police to say there was an armed man walking along the street and gave a description of himself as the suspect. Unemployed Bromley man Adam McLeish pleaded guilty to wasting police time and was sentenced to be electronically tagged for three months. Police had searched his home for weapons and noticed that the landline number was the same as the informant's.
Divorce the easy way
Divorce Hotel is a service available to splitting couples in the Netherlands, in which they can go to a hotel for three days to work out an agreement. Couples thinking about going through the cost-effective Divorce Hotel process have to decide if they can settle their differences quickly, with a mediator instead of lawyers, then they choose a four- or five-star hotel. Over three days, the mediator and other specialists - notaries, even psychologists - are on hand to help the couple. (Source: Fortean Times)