Nobody, including Larry, is laughing now. (Via
Cold turkey in the monkey cage
An orang-utan in Malaysia called Shirley - famous for smoking cigarettes thrown into her enclosure - is being helped to kick the habit. Officials at Malacca Zoo say she has gone "cold turkey" and will be sent to a wildlife centre in Borneo once her rehabilitation is complete. Zoo chief Ahmad Azhar Mohammed said she was so far displaying a regular appetite for food and no obvious signs of depression and illness. "I would say she is not addicted... but she might have formed a habit after mimicking human beings who were smoking around her," he said. (Source: BBC)
Catch one, miss one ...
A reader writes: "Our 8-year-old son's class was asked by the teacher to write a story about a recent event involving their family. He wrote "My mother went to middlemore hospital for a tubular liaison." The teacher, in her wisdom, referred his story on to the headmaster. His response was to say - "It was a great story, Middlemore is spelt with a capital M."