Tony Waring of Mt Albert writes: "The Metro Softball Club in Mt Albert decided to spend Labour weekend rolling the grass at Phyllis Reserve. Unfortunately, their motorway-strength roller hit a soft spot on the land that was once a rubbish tip, and sank half a metre."
Bit of a rugby Blue
National MP Jackie Blue has "congratulations All Blacks!" plastered over her campaign billboards in Mt Roskill, observes Janet. "Is the NZRU going to do anything about this use of their jealously guarded trademark for advertising purposes?" she asks. "And if not, why not, given they've gone after others for lesser infringements?"
We're a down-to-earth country
A reader writes: "You know you are in New Zealand when ... TV coverage of the biggest sporting event staged here cuts to commercials for New World advertising $1 off sliced bread, and Bunnings promoting $2 off slug pellets."