Looks like Labour strategists have enlisted the help of a superhero to boost their luck in next month's election. (Snapped in Birkdale)
Well done, Auckland Airport
Russell writes: "As much as I hate Auckland Airport, with its astronomical parking charges, its $6 bottled water, its lack of toilets and pathetic electronic signs that are rarely working correctly, I have to admit ... Wow. It looks great. I have just gone through probably the politest security check in the Western world and am sitting in the revised gate lounge. There are twin seat couches with power points for computers, there is a huge sky-by-night display in front, which has been cycling through day and night, with mythical creatures flying around, and now stars and a moon orbiting. There's a friendly buzz of chatter, everything is nice and new and on show. God I feel proud to be a Kiwi right now ... Well done, Auckland Airport, I feel a lot better about paying $6 for a bottle of water ... Wouldn't it be great if that was staying onshore."
Something's wrong ...
William writes: "I read that convicted bank robber turned anti-1080 activist Clyde Graf is to stand for Parliament under the United Future banner for the West Coast-Tasman electorate. In 1986, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Seriously? I did five months in jail for fraud in 1992 (had a failing business and a young family, got the unemployment benefit in two names, no excuse) ... but nobody shat themselves or had lifelong trauma from being held up at gunpoint, ... yet I can't visit anyone in jail, can't do jury duty, can't become a policeman, a lawyer or a JP. ... and would have a huge problem becoming a real estate person or a cab driver ... But this guy can run for Parliament?"