Yellow Pages bills keep coming
"Seven years ago I had a boarder who ran a small business," writes a reader. "He arranged to put an advertisement in the Yellow Pages. They listed his advert but with the wrong cellphone number, though in the following months rang him on the correct number to argue with him because he refused to pay for their mistake. He has long moved out but seven years later I am still getting the bill sent to him for that advertisement. I have been sending them back, initially with a polite note no longer at this address, now with some smart-alecky remarks about the useless accounts department, saying I will bill them for my time ... This has been sometimes monthly other times just randomly. It is really quite unbelievable, the cost alone must by now far outweigh the three-line advert. I now put it in the rubbish [recycle]. I have no idea where this person lives, have advised Yellow Useless Pages that the person and address is wrong, but guess what - another bill has just arrived."
Hospital pillow talk
Reverse sexism: I volunteer for St John as a FED in ED (Friends of the Emergency Department) and today my first job was to go up to the wards and retrieve the department's pillows that go up on beds with patients ... the beds come back but the pillows seldom do. The pillows have ED written on them but one I collected today had the following ... all in different writing and different coloured marker pens: This pillow will be collected and returned to ED. What if the pillow doesn't want to go? The pillow has rights! Is it a woman? No - male - it lies around in bed all day.