Berm murder in Meadowbank.
Is handsaw linked to wharf strike?
Melodie Wehner, of Henderson Valley, writes: "A fine old handsaw we rescued from underneath a Glendowie house where it had been for at least 50 years caught my husband's eye. We found that the maker is world renowned Disston, Philadelphia. But when he cleaned up the brass fittings he found the hand-carved date '29.10.1913' which we tied to the Auckland Wharf Strike. Wondering whether it was a common memento? Perhaps your column might find answers."
Slow day in front of the telly
In an attempt to beat the world "sheep to sweater" record, a team of Norwegian knitters will shear a ewe on live TV before spinning its wool and knitting a jumper in the shortest possible time. The previous record, held by Australia, is four hours and 51 minutes. This is the latest in the Norwegian concept of Slow TV which was launched in 2009 when NRK showed the view from the roof of a seven-hour train ride from Bergen to Oslo. Since then the channel has shown a 24-hour salmon fishing special, a 12-hour show about a fire being built and lit, and a 379-hour boat trip. (Source: The