When Garth worked in Qantas reservations department in the 1970s, all the communications were on paper telexes timed to GMT or Zulu time. “There was a chap there whose initials were GMT and of course his nickname was Zulu.”
Phineas writes: “There were two guys called Noel at a place I worked and this created some confusion. One Noel was not that bright so ended up being called Leon - because he was the backward Noel. Not PC these days but still smile-worthy.”
Keith used to go to school with a chap whose surname was Aitkenhead and he was called “Aspro”. And worked in the UK with this woman whose surname was Winterbottom and she was called “Chillyseat”.
Giving your wife the Wordle edge
“My wife doesn’t know but I drop the answer to Wordle into casual conversation each morning. I like to think this subliminally helps her in the very competitive daily Wordle competition she has with her work colleagues. She’s now winning.”