Now that's a government department I can relate to! Spotted on a passing ute.
Unfortunate juxtaposition
Kevin, of Castor Bay, writes: "Here's a branding fail spotted in the Sydney Qantas Lounge. Apparently, Qantas reviews and recommends books for business travellers; those it recommends get displayed with the Qantas sticker on them. Oh dear, this one didn't quite work ..."
Overcoming tunnel silence
"I am ecstatic to be now able to drive to work through the nice, brand new Vic Park tunnel," writes Chris. "However, the silence is deathly! People don't appear to realise that it's common practice to have a merry toot as you go through. Have these people never been to Wellington? As I was driving through the quiet tunnel I did a happy toot-te-te-toot-toot! Unfortunately, the car in front of me was obviously unaware of the tunnel-tooting rule and he moved over to the left lane to let me pass. Then he gave me an angry toot. So I was happy I wasn't the only tooter, but a bit sorry I probably spooked him or made him angry."