Pete is a catch. Not only is his photo on dating app Tinder hilarious, his description of himself is, too. It reads: "Things you need to know about me. First off, if we go out you're paying. Not just for me, but for my wife if she shows up. And she's a drinker. Sex isn't guaranteed after that. If I'm interested I'll place my underpants on the table. Fold them in three and place them in your handbag. Return them to me washed and we will consummate passionately. I dislike women who aren't shallow. A plus if you wear my mother's perfume and fit perfectly in the void that she left."
Police off their rockers
Police gave 91-year-old Yvette Vachon of Quebec a ticket for C$148 ($164) after her neighbours downstairs complained she was making too much noise. Apparently her rocking chair was too loud. However, after reviewing the complaint (and possibly swayed by all the media attention) the city cancelled the fine.
(Source: Weird Universe)
Have a nice flight ... but hold it in
Budget airline Ryanair's record for bad customer service continues, after a recent flight from London Stansted to Murcia. During the safety demonstrations, the cabin crew announced there was no milk for tea or coffee onboard, and no toilet paper stocked either. A spokesperson for Ryanair explained: "Our crew explained to passengers that we wished to prioritise an on-time departure for London Stansted rather than wait for these items to be delivered and cause a significant ATC delay for all our customers." In 2014, Ryanair was named the second-worst brand in the world for customer service.

Silly pressies to savour
A reader writes: "After reading about the mum with hard-case daughters and their Mother's Day gifts, I thought I would tell you about mine. I have two lovely, silly daughters. On a trip to Melbourne one presented us all with sparkly ($2 shop) microphones and proceeded to use them on trams, cafes, anywhere in fact, to the amusement of all. Then when I recently walked the gorgeous Queen Charlotte Sound with a group, the other gave me a real mini umbrella to keep the rain off. I carried it all the way!"