"Is it just me or is Apple trying to use subliminal advertising?" asks Ollie Hicks. "More then a few times when I have been watching TV I see a flash of the Apple logo as the show cuts away to an ad break. The other day I paused MySky and got a picture of an iPhone. Anyone else noticed this?"
Three's a crowd on sofa
A reader writes: "A young, newly married couple I know came home from a long week at work one Friday and cuddled up on the couch to watch TV in their newly rented house, only to fall asleep during the programme. They later awoke to find a drunk guy in his jocks, sitting next to them on the couch, watching. He had rented the house some time before them, and when drunk tended to go back 'home' as the locks had never been changed."
A University of Kansas professor and two co-authors, in research in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Finance, found that children aged 10 and under substantially outperformed their parents in earnings from stock trading in the few days before and after rumours swirled on possible corporate mergers. A likely explanation, they said, is the parents or guardians were buying and selling for their children's accounts using illegal insider information that they were cautious about using their personal accounts. While the parents' accounts had nice returns, the kids' accounts (including those held by the very recently born) were almost 50 per cent more profitable. (Source: News of the Weird.com)
Escape from hippo's jaws
"Time passes very slowly when you're in a hippo's mouth," says Paul Templer. He knows what he talking about because he was attacked by a hippo years ago while paddling on a river in Zambia, where he worked as a tourist guide. "I seemed to be trapped in something slimy. There was a terrible, sulphurous smell, like rotten eggs, and a tremendous pressure against my chest," he tells the Guardian. "It was only then that I realised I was underwater, trapped up to my waist in his mouth." The hippo chomped into Templer with its huge teeth, leaving 40 puncture wounds. "The bull simply went berserk," he says, "throwing me into the air and catching me again." It dragged him down to the bottom of the river where Templer, badly wounded and bleeding, believed he would die. But the hippo mercifully spat him out. (Source: Newser.com)
Picture this: Photographer Alison Jackson is a contemporary artist who plays with the cult of celebrity and in her latest fictitious photographic recreation she gathered together some royal lookalikes and imagined what Kate Middleton's baby shower would be like.
Video: Russian dashboard cameras are designed to protect drivers from insurance fraud, so usually capture carnage, but in this compilation it's the nicer side of human nature on show...