Cringey Coke tweet about the birth of the royal baby.
Revealing to-do list
Police in Murdoch, Western Australia, were executing a search warrant on a house in Perth, relating to a burglary, when they uncovered a rather amusing to-do list, reports. It described an individual's busy Saturday laid out with helpful reminders like "go to bus stop" and "go get lunch (chips and gravy)". The last two entries on the 10-item list, adding fuel to the idea that marijuana causes memory problems, were "go home and get a stick" and then "chop up and get stoned". Police tweeted a photo of the list, with the caption, "Are ur Saturdays hectic like this!!!" They followed that up with, "Yes, the 'to do list' was authentic, I don't think any of us here could make it up if we tried! #nosenseofhumour."

Bunnies used as pregnancy test
In 1928, a major breakthrough in the development of pregnancy tests was made when two German gynaecologists named Selmar Aschheim and Bernhard Zondek introduced an experiment with the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - which is produced by the placenta and is an early marker of pregnancy. Zondek and Aschheim developed the rabbit test. The test consisted of injecting the woman's urine into a female rabbit. The rabbit was then examined over the next couple of days. If the rabbit's ovaries responded to the female's urine, then it was determined that hCG was present and the woman was pregnant. The test was a successful innovation and it accurately detected pregnancy. The rabbit test was widely used from the 1930s to 1950s. All rabbits that were used in the programme had to be surgically operated on and were killed. (Via