PM servin' up some beats? "Some DJ in the UK who does crazy dance parties and looks just like John Key," tweets Joshua Drummond.
Declined in supermarket
"I stopped in at an unfamiliar supermarket to pick up some milk on my way home from visiting friends out west," writes Carmel. "There was quite a long wait because two people in a row had their Eftpos declined. The first woman, who was well-dressed and groomed, tried three different cards and scuttled off embarrassed without her three bags of groceries, apologising to those waiting. The next customer had a couple of loaves of bread and some baked beans. She too was declined. She stormed out angry and humiliated. I wished I'd had the presence of mind to have paid for the their bread and beans, but I was quite shocked to see this happen."
Technicolour memories
A reader writes: "I'll second the reader who remembers a colourful 70s Hutt Valley and Wellington childhood so well. Picnics in the park and a swim at glorious Days Bay; walks through Trentham Memorial Park and Barton's Bush with their stunning emerald trees and waxeyes; picking mushrooms in the green grass on Craig's Flat; multi-hued boatsheds at Pauatahanui Inlet; onion flowers, fennel and dark green bush at the Moonshine Bridge with the clear Hutt River underneath; looking over the world, including snow-capped ranges, from Haywards Hill; weekend trips to pick fruit at orchards in Greytown, over the gut-wrenching Rimutakas. Saturday shopping at Coastlands Mall. Plus fantastic (crumbed) fish and chips on a tinfoil tray from Zorba The Greek at Paremata on the way home."

Lost your head? Never fear, Graham has it
On Friday Graham found a female mannequin head on Long Drive, St Heliers. "As this is a very expensive loss - not much call for headless mannequins - some must be looking for her," he says. If the owner can tell Sideswipe her hair colour and her name (yes, we have those details) we will put you in touch with Graham.