This note just adds to the creepiness of porcelain dolls. Spotted at the Vincent De Paul shop in Pt Chevalier.
Westie superhero
A reader writes: 'On Saturday night my partner and I and our two children were visiting a friend in a remote location in Piha when our daughter suddenly developed blurred vision, respiratory problems, leg seizures and enormous pain. Rather than call an ambulance, we thought it would be more expedient to race to the nearest hospital ourselves, which we were told was Waitakere. After going helter skelter through the windy back roads, with our daughter nearly stopping breathing several times, we finally arrived at a petrol station in Henderson, lost and distraught. The unhelpful petrol station assistant had no idea where the hospital was ... Beside myself by this point, I approached a man about to fill up his car for directions. This big, burly bloke asked no questions and simply said "follow me".
This incredible stranger guided us at lightning speed, way out of his way, I suspect, to the front door of the emergency clinic of Waitakere Hospital. I raced over and gave him an emotional bear-hug on arrival, then he and his partner sped off into the night. I want this man to know that they potentially saved our 12-year-old daughter's life. She was on a drip and breathing machine within minutes of our arrival and after four intensive days in hospital is home safe and sound. We can't thank you enough.'
A convocation of collective nouns