Burned by the tooth fairy
"I wrote a letter to the tooth fairy once where I demanded a recent photo and a signature," writes a Reddit user. I believe I ended it "or else". The next morning there was a picture and signature, however, the picture was an embarrassing photo of me with my pants down in an outhouse. The signature was signed "The Tooth Fairy" as requested, but it was glued to the counter and tore away from the page when I lifted the paper up in my excitement. This was at a time when I was also writing to the Queen demanding money to fund my Lego addiction. Nice to see the spark in others."

Adam and Eve - terrible botanists but surprisingly good tailors
According to themichigancatholic.org, after that terrible business with the serpent and the fruit "Adam" and "Eve" realised they were starkers so "sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths" to cover their shameful bits. But they chose fig leaves, which apparently contain an enzyme called ficin, which can cause a nasty rash. The article offers the idea that wearing uncomfortable clothing is an act of penance for the fruit scoffing. Alrighty then. Later on, the omnipotent being gives "Adam" and "Eve" new clothes made out of animal skins. So it's all good. But one Reddit commenter wasn't buying the revelation. "I'm more interested in knowing how they were able to sew fig leaves in the first place given that: a. they didn't have needles, b. they didn't have thread, c. they didn't have the knowledge of sewing. Other than that it all makes perfect sense."