Just the place to leave the little critters when they misbehave... (Via Twitter @GrowFromHereNZ)
Wrong end of the stick - it was a close shave
"I've noticed my hearing isn't what it used to be," writes a reader from Waiuku. "And at times it makes for a funny conversation. When I was shopping with my 17-year-old daughter we passed a beautician. I got a surprise when she said 'One day we should get our eyebrows shaved'. After my confused look and repeating the last few words, 'our eyebrows shaved?', she laughed and said, 'shaped, not shaved'. Later at dinner, she was talking about saving money. I thought she said 'I want to save for Nepal'. As she wants to travel, I thought she must want to do some humanitarian aid due to the earthquakes (I was very surprised). So I checked again - 'You want to go to Nepal?'. We laughed when she said, 'No, I said, I want to save for the ball'."
Why your spouse is being such a prick
In his 2014 edition of Wastebook, Senator Tom Coburn reports on funding by the National Science Foundation for a study involving "hangry" spouses stabbing voodoo dolls. Hanger is what happens when your hunger becomes anger. Over 21 consecutive evenings, 107 couples were given a chance to stick up to 51 pins into a voodoo doll representing their spouse. The pin-pushing happened away from the other partner. The tests revealed what may already be obvious to many couples: a spouse with low blood sugar was an angrier one and stuck more pins in the doll (on average). That cost the US Government $331,000.

One body image we're not dying to copy
"I witnessed something similar to yesterday's 'Body rolls from hearse' story, some time around 2001," writes Mark Ward. "I was sitting in my car at the lights at Bond St, Kingsland. A blue Falcon wagon started out from the lights along New North Rd when the tailgate opened and a gurney with a corpse on it wrapped in blue popped out and started rolling along behind the car. The driver stopped and quickly got it back into the car. I looked around shocked but other people didn't seem to realise what had happened. I knew what it was as we had used that company for my grandparents, late brother and mother. I told my father and said, 'If I go before you DON'T USE THAT COMPANY! And if you go before me I won't be using them either'."