Gargoyle watch
A reader writes: "I'm not sure that burglars read, but, on the off chance ... The people who took the two large gargoyles off my porch in New Lynn yesterday might like to know that each contain the ashes of a much-loved family member. The ashes are mixed with the concrete, so I'm afraid you won't be able to clean them out. We'd very much like them back, please. So if anyone sees two rust-coloured concrete gargoyles crouching with their tails over their arms, please let me know."
'Bribe' offer follows negative feedback
Hugh writes: "My first experience of being offered a bribe from a New Zealand business, [came] after placing negative feedback [online]. The company, which has a nearly 30,000-feedback rating emailed me this: 'As a means of compensation, if you are willing to remove your negative feedback, I can provide you with a $10 Gift Card.' I'm almost tempted to make another purchase so I can place more negative feedback to let people know about the bribery!"
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