Via, a site featuring pedants and other people who missed the joke.
Seinfeld in Te Atatu
That topless hairdresser would have been much better than my recent experience in Te Atatu, says Doug. "I walked in the door and asked 'How much?' Asian woman asks 'Are you over 65?' I'm in my 50s so in a huff replied 'No, ARE YOU?' Anyway, she said sit down, the hairdresser is in the toilet. He turns up 10 minutes later and brushes his teeth next to me for 10 minutes. He asks what style and I say short but no buzzcut. He starts buzz cutting and I say "no buzzcut!" He laughs and laughs and apologises. I thought I was in a Seinfeld episode."
Scary ridiculous things
The Pentagon's Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency reveals it has created a self-steering bullet that can change its own course in mid-air to hit a moving target. In a video, a sniper fires at a target that moves out of the bullet's predicted path. The bullet follows and finds the target. Even an inexperienced shooter hit the mark, LiveScience reports.
Stupid ridiculous things
A story about how Australian Sunrise host Sam Armytage said something racist turned out not to be the case. Armytage interviewed twins Maria and Lucy Aylmer, who have very different appearances due to a genetic anomaly. While introducing the twins, Armytage congratulated Lucy on her pale skin.