Snapped at New World, Havelock North, by Amy Shears.
Snapped at New World, Havelock North, by Amy Shears.
Pranked in 1942
During World War II, convicted conman Sydney Gordon Ross duped New Zealand’s intelligence service into believing that Nazi agents were planning to carry out sabotage in New Zealand. The day after his release from prison, Ross contacted the government claiming he had been approached by a Germanagent to join a sabotage cell that was active in Ngongotahā, near Rotorua. Major Kenneth Folkes, a British officer in charge of the newly established Security Intelligence Bureau (SIB), believed him and approached the government for more troops and greater powers to arrest and detain suspects. PM Peter Fraser asked the police to investigate the “Nazi headquarters” in Ngongotahā, which turned out to be occupied by an elderly government clerk, a dry-cleaner and three nurses. Ross’ story quickly unraveled.
“I put my phone down and can’t find it”, a saga. “Want me to call it?” “It’s on silent.” A tragedy in three parts. “I’ll call it anyway.” *Everyone stands around really quietly listening for a faint buzzing noise* A comedy.