A burning question ... What does this picture mean? Snapped somewhere in Milford. And it's not toilets (there was no toilet nearby).
Don't look down, Lee
Intimate embellishment gone wrong: A beauty salon vajazzeled the wrong man's name in crystals across a woman's groin this week. Toni Allport of Walsall, West Midlands, decided to have her husband Lee's name written in Swarovski crystals along the bikini line. But after the 40-minute session she discovered the name Len written out. "Thankfully my husband saw the funny side. I'm confident it won't spoil the romantic break we've booked for my birthday. I've told Lee not to look at it."
Green-car solution
"Nine-year-old David had a good answer to understanding the new road rules," writes his dad. "He said we should get a green car because then everyone gives way to you."