Cabinet Minister gets burned by Morning Report's Susie Ferguson ...
Gerry Brownlee: "New Zealand is not immune to the sort of lone wolf attacks that you saw in Orlando a couple of weeks ago ... this is as much our war as it is anybody else's."
Susie Ferguson: " ... Are you saying that deploying New Zealand troops to Iraq makes New Zealand safer from homicidal homophobes?"
"Apparently Auckland domestic airport doors do not automatically open before 4.30am," writes Praneel Kumar. "I was made aware of this when I went to drop my parents off for an early morning flight and had to wait for someone from inside the building to come to our rescue by opening the doors from inside! Got very frustrated ... it was very windy and raining!"
Waikato hospitality right on the money
"Attended Fieldays at Mystery Creek on Saturday," writes Bruce. "Trouble-free drive and parking until I tapped my pocket for the wallet. Alzheimer's had left it at Whenuapai -- a four-hour return trip away! Phone home for credit card number, but I'm not a site banker's customer! Phone an exhibitor I know, but no answer. Entry supervisor sees I'm in trouble and says she will let me in providing I can get $25 inside and return to pay. Luckily meet a nephew and con him and fiancee to lend me the money. Return to the gate to pay ... but they won't accept it because I've been honest enough to return! What great Waikato hospitality."
Fish sellers dangling NZ name as bait
"We are constantly amazed at the brazen mislabelling of fish on sale at various outlets in Australia," says Bain. "It appears that to add the name NZ as a source adds to the desirability of the fish and increases its price. Many fish here advertised as from NZ don't even exist by name, species or allowable size in the NZ commercial allowable catch. It would be likely that the baby snapper in your article are not taken illegally in NZ for sale in Oz, but are in fact being dishonestly advertised."
Great business logo -- clean lines, family friendly.
Boxed in by team company's trickery
A reader writes: "The teabag box is another 'chip packet' scenario where they screw us all, while making up seemingly innocent reasons for doing so. Remember the story about how there are only four chips in the packet so there is more room for nitrogen? Make the box bigger, because 'the added space helps to protect the product inside' ... Put less into the box, because 'it's sold by weight so you aren't paying any more'. All the while, the value of the packet is more than the actual product so you are in fact paying more for less."
Video: In this clip from America's Got Talent, Julie Scotti, a 63-year-old former school teacher from New Jersey, surprised the audience and judges with her stand-up comedy routine.