To see the picture in full, go here. Since posting on his Facebook page our anonymous reader says it has gone viral and "people have even sent me pics of their hamsters."?
Pet peeves and eyeball fodder
1. "Wake up people/sheeple."
2. "Anything concerning detox diets. Wouldn't it be nice if we had specialised organs in our body specifically for the purpose of all the nasty things that we keep putting in there? Oh wait, that's your liver."
5. It's healthier because it's all natural ... "So is arsenic. And I am not going to pour that stuff over my corn flakes, buddy."
6. On the stance of not wanting children - "you'll change your mind some day".
7. "I'm fat" - under 60kg woman.
8. "A study found"
9. "Anything involving 'this generation'. I immediately disregard anything you're saying because it's almost always a generalised statement that applies to a minority. So I roll my eyes at my grandparents a lot ..."
KFC New Zealand's generous giveaway away of three of these fire-engine red branded beanies on Twitter has earned the bird frier over 5500 retweets ... Twitter users were happy to spread the message for the deep fried chicken multi-national. Or is it a case of it's so bad it's good?
When wealth is health
A study found that people with more grocery money are able to eat healthier. "Increasing food subsidies for the poor in the US by just $30 a month per person would allow families to eat healthier and obtain better nutrition outcomes. They would purchase 2 per cent more green vegetables and 3 per cent more tomatoes and yellow vegetables, as well as slightly more lean meats like chicken and fish. Conversely, fast food consumption would go down by 2.5 per cent." Which goes against the popular belief that extra spending would go on fags and Coke. (Study from Wellesley College for The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and based on survey data from the US Census Bureau.)
Comment of the day: In response to news of the transgender student bathroom nonsense at Marlborough Girls' College, Emma Botha points to the real issue in the girls' bathrooms...""This is absurd that she should be treated this way. As a fellow student of this school I have never felt unsafe or uncomfortable at the thought of any non cisgendered student using the bathroom. The only thing in the bathrooms that make me feel unsafe and uncomfortable are the hand soap dispensers that look like they haven't changed since I begun school nearly five years ago." (Source: via Twitter)
Agri-comedian Te Radar gets stuck at one of the Fieldday exhibits.
Fieldays Fun:
Herd improvement company CRV Ambreed had the best gimmick of the annual Fieldays at Mystery Creek this week. As a Huntly farmer's son, Te Radar finds it quite an attraction. "It's an activity performed hundreds of thousands of times a year to impregnate the nations herds," he says But the simulation felt like "a rubbery violation of a large coffee table."
How America fell for bottled water: For the first three decades of the 1900s, French water company Perrier supplied Buckingham Palace with "the champagne of waters." Sales died with the onset of World WarII, but then were revived thanks to mass advertising, when sales grew fifteen-fold between 1946 and 1952. Soon the water brand were looking to America as a new market. In those days selling bottled water had more people hating the idea. Who would pay for water when they could get it for free? Perrier's American transformation began with television ads starring Orson Welles in 1977. It was touted as a sophisticated way to go to a cocktail party and not drink alcohol and didn't have sugar. The company found ways to prominently link its name with fitness - like sponsored the New York City Marathon in 1977....Read the full story here...