A Dunedin policeman face palms as his partner poses with undie-clad scarfie girls. Now, to his mortification, it's spreading
He was funny eh bro
Ken seen through the ages with 70s Ken bearing a strong resemblance to singer, Neil Diamond. Photo / Supplied
A Dunedin policeman face palms as his partner poses with undie-clad scarfie girls. Now, to his mortification, it's spreading
He was funny eh bro
NZ on Screen has the trailer for the documentary on the late Billy T James, directed by Ian Mune. It was appointment viewing for me as a kid and although laughing at the cheeky Maori routine felt a little wrong, a follow-up gag at the expense of Pakeha somehow made it all ok.
releases nationwide on August 18, the 20th anniversary of his untimely death.
How big is your vocab, baby?
By ticking a bunch of words you know the meaning of (be honest)
shows you where you fit with others. Most adults fall in the range 20,000-35,000, with the exact median score being 27,123 words. Don't get too cocky; the words are old and nobody uses them anymore ... Alright, my score was 28,000, which is average.
Smoking Kills
. (NSFW language).
Picture this
For the very first time in recorded history a woman has been found to have a
. (Warning: photo may be difficult for the squeamish).
That's damn interesting
The Dangerous Drugs-Identification Kit
was used as a visual aid in school education programs in the 60s. The drugs weren't real, but were "reproduced with exacting fidelity in terms of colour, size, shape, and other distinguishing characteristics." The amphetamines had cute street names like bennies, cartwheels, co-pilots and barbiturates called yellow jackets, red birds and pink ladies, which perhaps didn't make drugs as ominous as schools would've hoped.
Actor performs Clarence's speech from William Shakespeare's
Richard III
using the full gambit of
- from Ricky Gervais to Clooney. Fantastic.
Vietnam is a great place to visit, but you have to have your wits about you to cross the road, even on a crossing...
'The only way we are going to continue to compete globally is through innovation.'