Garage sale with a difference: Everything's going cheap.
Guitar too precious for baggage hold
Guitarist Ben Eldridge has been flying around New Zealand for the past two weekends as part of Kiwi band Luckless on an album release tour. "Arriving in Auckland on Saturday afternoon, having flown from Wellington, I was dismayed to discover that my guitar had been damaged inside its hard case. Why can't musicians stow their guitar inside the cabin?"
Pattern has a long life
The newsroom of the Calgary Herald received an envelope neatly addressed to the "Calgary Herald Needlecraft Department" - a department, the paper is "sad to confirm, that no longer exists". Inside that envelope: two coins taped to a piece of refill and a request dated July 9, 2014: "Please send pattern No. 1859 to ..." The pattern in question (cut from an 75-year-old paper and included with the written request) was advertised in the Calgary Herald on March 10, 1939. The paper's archivist is checking whether a copy of the pattern is hidden away somewhere. However, a reader found the "Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Pattern 1859" within 10 minutes via Google.
Deafening noise from silent disco
Salzburg in Austria won't renew a licence for a silent disco clubbing event after complaints that it was "too loud and wild". At a silent disco people listen to music on wireless headphones, broadcast via a radio transmitter. Those without the headphones hear no music, giving the effect of a room full of people dancing to nothing. However, the Mayor of Salzburg, Heinz Schaden, said it was still too loud for residents. "Especially at the weekends the young people are staying up until 4am and later. In the summer people want to sleep with their windows open, and the noise - even from a silent disco - is keeping them up." (Source: