Failed after saving instructor's life
A reader writes: "After spending almost five years on my learner driver licence - because of over-protective parents - I sat my restricted. After 45 minutes of what the instructor described as 'perfect driving', a courier van turned through a red light, swerved across two lanes and almost collided with my car. I braked, avoiding the crash. At the end of the test I was told I was being failed for 'almost crashing' (the instructor would've been killed had I not reacted in time). He refused to explain how I could have performed better. I take the bus now."
Rescue rewarded with a pass
Old school driving test: "My father's driving test was in the 1960s when the police still took you out," writes Andrew. "When asked to perform an emergency stop at an intersection, a large Maglite-style torch flew through the car, striking the officer in the back of the head. The rest of the test was a journey to the hospital for stitches to the policeman's head and a new driver licence for my father, who must have shown sufficient care and attention on the way to the ER to pass."
France's great southern coup?