You'll need a ladder to get out of that?
"I think I found history's first social media #fail. 1995, L'Eggs pantyhose," tweets @AdrianChen when posting this paragraph from a dissertation he was reading. "It is especially important to be clear about your vision if you are trying to attract a particular audience. The makers of L'Eggs Pantyhose discovered the importance of this when they launched an ambitious and expensive website for the purposes of fostering brand loyalty and learning more about their market. To develop a closer relationship with their customers , they included a discussion area called the L'Eggs Community. Much to their surprise, the discussions quickly became dominated by men who enjoyed wearing pantyhose and who were thrilled to discover an anonymous setting where they could trade tips and not feel so alone ... ."
Canadians give 'Conrad' fond farewell

A dead raccoon had a memorial set up around him on a street in Toronto, Canada. The animal was first spotted on Thursday morning. But as the day wore on and no one came to pick up "Conrad" , the pavement memorial grew with a framed photo of a raccoon appearing and a condolence card. Then a red rose was put on his body and still he wasn't collected by the city's animal services. Locals were asked to keep their green bins open in honour of #DeadRaccoonTO by Toronto councillor Norm Kelly. As night fell, candles were lit and more flowers were left with a pen to allow people to write messages. He also trended on Twitter. Toronto residents left a collection box to raise money for Conrad's removal. Conrad's body was removed by animal services shortly before midnight. (Source: