The outfit worn by 3 News presenter Carolyn Robinson on Sunday night reminded Catherine of the uniforms from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Cashing in his chips
A robber who broke into a Washington City Subway left police a convenient "trail of potato chips" leading to his location. Unable to break into the cash register, the man grabbed nine bags of chips and fled. When police arrived, "a trail of chips led to the suspect, who was on the steps of his old high school a couple of blocks away", according to a police report.
Pennies from heaven
Thomas Daigle delivered a pair of boxes to the steps of his Massachusetts bank containing more than 62,000 pennies (US$620, or $778), which he had collected over 35 years. He began collecting an average of 2.5 pennies each day and stored them in a wooden box. But after a few years, the box began to break apart due to the weight. So he bought a pair of steel military rocket launcher ammo boxes to hold the pennies. At the time he delivered them to the bank he reckoned each box weighed 181kg. To explain his life-long collection, he said he just wanted to make his last mortgage payment "memorable". (Source: