Supermarket grumbles #1
Elana Hokkan was at the deli counter in her local supermarket when she saw a woman trying to get the server to put some meat in a plastic bag rather than the fancy (but impractical) sleeves they now like to use. "After three goes at telling the server to use a plastic bag as she didn't know what a plastic bag was, the lady rather acidly (and loudly) said, 'Plastic bag: what they should have put over your head at birth!"'
Supermarket grumbles #2
"I hate modern supermarkets," declares a reader. "My mother used to give me a list, a wicker basket, and a pound note. I'd go to the grocers and a man in a warehouse coat would rush around collecting the items on my list, pack them in the basket and give me two bob change. Easy. Now I have to do the rushing around from one end of the gigantic supermarket to the other, while at the same time try to do a quick psychoanalysis of the minds of the shelf stackers to ... find the things I want. All the cashier has to do is stand and take my money, and even then they are delegating more and more to the so-called 'quick exit' DIY machines, which are often the most user-unfriendly gadgets. If one doesn't behave precisely as the computer programmer has designed, it throws a tantrum, and some electronic 'bitching Betty' starts telling you what to do!"
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