1. “I’m so tired of living like it’s the 1600s. Can I afford eggs at the market? Is my friend going to die of the plague? Puritans coming for my sinful life ... I want some modern problems.” (@mightySigurd)
2. “The only time I truly feel alone withmy thoughts is in those three minutes when it’s too soon to join that Zoom meeting, but too late to start doing something else.” (@mikedicenzo)
Repeat the message
In the course of our lives, there are some things that have to be explained, over and over again ... ”I’m a male and a nurse,” writes a reader. “No, I don’t want to be a doctor. No, I’m not going to school to be a doctor. No, I don’t feel like less of a man because I’m a nurse and not a doctor. And stop calling me doc and doctor.”
“I’ve suffered two strokes this month from which I believe I’ve made a strong recovery,” writes a reader. “But, despite being incredibly supportive, my family haven’t always helped. On a video call to my brother, he was insistent that I had “an uneven smile”. Then, when I tried to insist to my sister that my speech, although slightly affected, was still clear, she told me: “Well, you always did mumble anyway.”
Strange beef product at New World
Cream beefnuts.
Doggo diet
Keith from Ponsonby writes: “If you’ve wondered ‘can dogs eat ham?’, the answer is no. Deli hams contain a lot of salt and most baked hams are full of sugar, neither of which is good for dogs. You also want to keep raisins, sultanas, grapes and any baked goods containing them out of reach as they can be lethal. Items containing xylitol, an artificial sweetener, are toxic. Onions are bad for dogs, as are garlic, salt and pepper.”