What you see and what you get are rather different, says a gobsmacked reader.
What the deuce?
Tony Waring of Mt Albert writes that he and his wife were watching the Australian Open the other night. "Aussie battler Lleyton Hewitt was playing a chap called Stebe from Germany, who had just hit a winner, and the commentator remarked "... Well, that's taken the wind out of the crowd's sails." My wife exclaimed "they can't say that!", thinking he had said "... that's taken the wind out of the kraut's sails".
Magnificent mondegreens
1. As a hormonally charged teenager, I was sure that Peter Sarstedt's Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)? had the line "and you dip your nipples in brandy" rather than the actual (and less interesting) "and you sip your Napoleon brandy".