Mike says: "they've cleared the vegetation off the cliff near Auckland Grammar, exposing a mysterious tunnel entry."
Old faithful fridge
Nigel still has the Westinghouse refrigerator he bought from a second-hand dealer in Thames in December 1964 for the enormous sum of 35. This equated to around 6 weeks' wages in those days. It was an old fridge then and, having been made in the USA, is 110 volt, so has a transformer mounted on the back to reduce the voltage. The only fault that occurred was in the late 60s when a power surge blew the transformer. That repaired, it still freezes the milk solid if turned down too far.

Its age? From what he can glean, it dates to just after World War II, making it about 70 years old. Old faithful is now the Smoko Room fridge in the shed. Paint job dates to his school bus operator days when the bus painter got a little carried away.