News nostalgia
Colchester, Essex, 1998: A motorist who was stopped for a routine police check was found to be wearing Wellington boots filled with baked beans in tomato sauce. Officers warned him to choose more suitable footwear. A spokesman said: "We have no idea why he was doing it, but it is an offence not to be in proper control of a car. Wearing boots could cause the driver to be distracted and have an accident."
Jackson, Mississippi, 1966: The new preacher in town took it upon himself to visit local residents with his two sons to invite them to his church. But when Rev Dennis McDonald paid a visit to Mrs Pendergrass he was shocked to find her sunbathing outside in her birthday suit. Naturally he had to report her to the police, who fined her $50. But Mrs. Pendergrass appealed the fine, and the court took her side, noting that a) she was on her own property, not in public; and b) if the minister was so shocked, why did he hang around at her house for 45 minutes?