In case you missed it: A young Birmingham man Dale Rowlinson-Bates was reported missing on New Year's Day after he had failed to contact his friends and family for a couple days, the Telegraph reported. After 24 hours, his worried mother contacted police and made a Facebook page dedicated to finding her son. Rowlinson-Bates contacted his older brother on January 2 to explain he'd met someone and had gone to her house. The 50-officer manhunt was called off.
Tired caravan for sale
Caravan for sale on Trade Me, spotted by Andrew. "Very spacious double bed and 2 singles beds, oven, fridge, pantry, sink, storage, port-a-loo also has a full size yawning with windows."
Helen writes: "All professions have their own in-house abbreviations but I think the medical profession must be the worst. I remember years ago a colleague, who had just started in gynaecology after months in an orthopaedic ward, being asked to admit a woman with PID. He hooked her up in a complicated spinal traction system before being told that to a gynaecologist PID means Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (infection), not Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc (slipped disc)."
Three letter fun
"The airline industry has used three-letter codes for decades, originating when telex messages were charged by the length of the message," says Bruce. "My favourite derivative was from the airport check-in area in Christchurch during the Commonwealth Games. Qantas had just started flying 747 jumbo jets but had not adjusted their overbooking profiles. Too many booked passengers equalled not enough seats, so we had an FHL file for the last people checking in. Translated : F***ing Hard Luck."
Small step for man, giant leap for Dinah Hall
The Moon landing as recorded by a teenager. Dinah Hall Lustleigh, Devon writes: "This is my entry for 20 July 1969. "I went to arts centre (by myself!) in yellow cords and blouse. Ian was there but he didn't speak to me. Got rhyme put in my handbag from someone who's apparently got a crush on me. It's Nicholas I think. UGH. Man landed on moon." (Source: Guardian)
Disposing of polystyrene: "Big chain stores like Noel Leeming and Harvey Norman will take all the packaging back from products they have sold and get rid of it for you (they can recycle it, we can't)."
Good read:What Does It Feel Like To Be a Hot Girl Who Gets Old? is a first person account from two different women about their experience of ageing....(the second one is funny and ends with a famous quote by Hunter S. Thompson, which these days seems to have much more relevance!)
Dumb things to buy: A fake TV is used as a burglar deterrent, simulating the flickering scene changes and on-screen motion of a real television!
Tech: If your brain is a bit slack at telling you when to stop eating, then try this smartfork, which vibrates when you've shovelled enough. It knows when to shimmy by tracking every time the fork is brought from the plate to the mouth and back.