Neighbour's cast-offs an eyesore
"The person who lives behind me is renovating their property," writes Andrew. "So over the last couple of months I've had an oven and a laundry sink dumped on the berm outside of my house, with a 'free' sign stuck on it. Both times, the items have lasted over a week before someone has moved them. Who actually thinks this is acceptable? For a start, it's an eyesore. I don't want a manky, dirty old oven sitting outside my house for weeks at a time. Secondly, it is dangerous as it restricts my vision when I'm exiting my driveway (and I live near a school, so there are often kids about). Thirdly, what do you think happened on a Saturday night? Yep, drunks smashed it to pieces. And as you can imagine, smashing up a metal oven or sink at midnight on a Saturday makes a hell of a racket. On Sunday morning I have even more debris strewn across my berm. Next time, hire a trailer and go to the dump, like a normal person."
Comeback queen
"My friend is the queen of comebacks. She was coming out of the local pharmacy last week with her bag of usual medications when out of nowhere some guy said to her, 'Are those your weight loss pills?' to which she immediately said, 'No, think I got your anti ugly pills by mistake but you might want a refund, mate.' (Apparently the pharmacist was behind her cracking up.)"