Matthew writes: "Started typing a question into Google and couldn't help but chuckle at the suggestions for the word 'How'. Pancakes before sex, and a bit of encouragement from Google on the latter."
Tight pants force MP's hasty exit
A Canadian MP blamed his too-tight underpants for leaving Parliament in a hurry on Thursday morning ... "I can blame it on a sale that was down at the Hudson's Bay [Company] - they had men's underwear on for half price. I bought a bunch that was clearly too small for me and I find it difficult to sit for any length of time." So said Canadian MP Pat Martin, explaining why he had left his seat after a vote. "I apologise if it was necessary for me to leave my seat briefly, but I did not mean to forfeit my right to vote."
Rudeness to stranger backfires
Matt Buckland was on his way to work at Forward Partners, a venture capital firm, where he's the head of talent. It was like any other London commute - stuck on a busy, delayed train on the District line, surrounded by tourists with suitcases, grumpy commuters and schoolkids. But on this particular Monday morning, Buckland had an unfortunate run-in with another commuter. "At Monument station, I stood to one side to let someone else off the train first and I think he thought I was just standing in his way," he told BuzzFeed. "He pushed and I turned, I explained I was getting off too but he pushed past and then looked back and suggested I might like to f*** myself ... " Later that day a candidate he was interviewing for a job turned up. Buckland recognised him as the pissed-off guy from the commute. "At first he didn't recognise me," Buckland said. "I asked him how he got to the interview, how was his morning commute?" He said he didn't hold it against the interviewee. "By the end of the interview we laughed it off and were both happy."